The title of the Club shall be the Havering and Ilford Branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club (hereinafter called the ‘Branch’).
The aims and objectives of the Branch shall be to provide facilities for and promote and encourage participation in underwater swimming (suba diving) and associated interests. (The Branch, although representing the British Sub-Aqua Club and it’s aims, will abide by this, its own constitution which can only be amended by majority at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, or by Extraordinary General Meeting).
Membership of the Branch is open to all applicants without discrimination.
i) Membership is consequent upon:
a) Payment of the current membership fee as designated by the Committee.
b) Completion of a self-assessment medical or if required approval by a Medical Diving Referee.
c) Compliance with Branch Rules.
ii) Membership may be refused or cancelled by the Committee, if appropriate reasons exist.
iii) The minimum age limit for participation in Sub-Aqua activities as a Branch member is fourteen (14) years.
Any lapsed member wishing to rejoin, subject to Committee approval, must pay the full Branch membership fee prevailing at the time.
Diving Officer Plus 2 other members to
Training Officer whom specific tasks may
Membership Secretary be allocated.
Social Secretary
Bar Steward
Boat Officer
Equipment Officer
Maintenance Officer
ii) The Committee shall meet on the first Monday of each calendar month and at such other times, as the Committee shall determine.
iii) The functions of the above representatives shall be commensurate with the British Sub-Aqua Club descriptions of such.
iv) The Diving Officer and the Training Officer must hold the Club Instructor qualification.
v) Any Committee member failing to attend three (3) consecutive Committee meetings will cease to be a member of the Branch Committee and may not be re-elected for the remaining period of the current year.
vi) The Committee may elect replacements for the remaining part of the year in the case of a member’s resignation or in the case of the application of rule 3 (v).
vii) No decision shall be made by the Committee unless six (6) or more of the Committee members are present and a majority of those present be taken.
viii) Any Branch member wishing to stand for Committee who cannot attend the Annual General Meeting must make written application to the Branch Secretary before the Annual General Meeting stating any extenuating circumstances.
A. The Committee shall hold Members Information Meetings in the second week of the following months: –
February – May – August – November – Public Holidays excepted.
4B. The Committee shall elect four (4) Committee members, namely: Chairman – Treasurer – Secretary – Bar Steward and these will form the Bar Committee, which shall be responsible for the purchase for the Branch and supply by the Branch of intoxicating liquor at their absolute discretion.
4C. Any member ceasing to be a member of the Committee shall automatically cease to be a member of the Bar Committee and another member of the Committee shall be elected to the vacant position.
Such Sub-Committee shall in no way be restricted in freedom of purchase.
4D. No person shall at any time shall be entitled to receive at the expense of the Branch (or any member thereof) any commission percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchasing of intoxicating liquor by the Branch; nor shall any person directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Branch to members or guests, apart from any benefit accruing to the Branch as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Branch.
i) The Annual General Meeting will be held each year in the month of December and no more than fifteen (15) months must elapse between Annual General Meetings.
ii) At the Annual General Meeting the following business shall be conducted:
a) Read and pass (if accepted) the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
b) Read and pass (if accepted) the accounts for the previous financial year.
c) Receive the resignation of the outgoing Committee.
d) Elect the Branch Committee and its Officers.
iii) No Annual General Meeting may be held with less than twenty percent (20%) of Branch membership present.
iv) All motions that are to be put to the members at the meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting. A limited number of motions will be allowed from the floor during the period of ‘any other business’ at the discretion of the Chairman.
v) The Secretary shall give to each member at least twenty-eight (28) days notice of the meeting together with the Agenda for the meeting and balance sheet for the previous financial year and such ballot papers as are necessary, by post, email or by hand in person.
The balance sheet may be issued at the meeting in the event of delays occurring in the audit of the accounts.
i) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time on reasonable notice by the Committee or upon a member’s written request to do so and signed by a specified number of members; and the number required must be more than 20% of the total number of the members entitled to attend and vote and submitted to the Secretary stating the reason for making the request.
The meeting must be convened by the Committee within thirty (30) days.
The Secretary must then give at least fourteen (14) days notice to all members by post or by hand in person together with an Agenda for the meeting.
ii) The business of the meeting must be stated on the agenda and shall be that for which the meeting was called and for no other.
iii) The procedure as applicable to the Annual General Meeting shall apply.
iv) The Extraordinary General Meeting can overrule any decision previously made at the Annual General Meeting providing it is on the Agenda for the meeting.
v) No Extraordinary General Meeting may be held unless the specified number of members is present.
i) Any full member as defined by the B.S.A.C., collectively referred to as voting members, may vote at the Annual General Meeting or any Extraordinary General Meeting as may be convened and on any motion submitted.
ii) The election of any Officer or Committee member and the voting on any motions shall be by majority vote by a count of hands unless a ballot be demanded, seconded and passed by a majority count of hands.
The membership fee is set and governed by the elected Committee.
All assets of the Branch are owned by its members who hold the majority and are managed for them by the elected Committee.
The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club’s objects as set forth in these rules and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly to the members of the Club.
a) The Branch premises may be open to members at the following times: –
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 12:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 11.00 pm
Sunday 8.00am – 01.00am
b) Permitted hours for drinking intoxicating liquor are:-
Monday to Friday 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 12.00 pm
Sunday )
Christmas Day ) – 12:00 Noon – 3:00 pm
Good Friday ) 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Intoxicating liquors shall not be sold from the premises other than during these times.
Any member shall be entitled to introduce guests into the Branch premises provided that no person whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the Branch shall be introduced as a guest.
The member introducing the guest shall enter the name and address of the guest together with his own name in a book, which shall be kept, on the Branch premises for this purpose.
No guest shall be permitted to purchase intoxicating liquor in the Branch premises.
Any member may, after giving two (2) weeks notice to the Chairman in writing, claim audience with the Committee to express a view if not more than two (2) such applications have already been accepted by the Chairman for that meeting. The audience may be concluded after due hearing at the discretion of the Chairman.
If at any Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting it is decided by a majority of not less than two (2) to one (1) to dissolve the Branch, all nett assets are immediately the property of the British Sub-Aqua Club, for use in community related sport and Rule 9 ceases to apply.
Amendments to these rules must be submitted, seconded and passed by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting where the specific amendment is on the agenda as the reason for calling the meeting.
The proposed amendment must be submitted to the Chairman not less than thirty eight (38) days prior to the Annual General Meeting and twenty (20) days prior to the event of an Extraordinary General Meeting for inclusion in the agenda.
i) Minutes must be taken of all Committee meetings and accepted by a majority vote at the ensuing Committee meeting.
ii) Minutes must be taken of all General Meetings and accepted by a majority vote at the ensuing General Meeting.
It is incumbent of the Chairman to maintain and update the recording of the constitution.
Members nominated for the Committee must declare their interests in any other Diving Organisation or British Sub-Aqua Club Branches at the time of nomination or when the external post occurs if already in office.
It is the responsibility of the Bar Committee to order goods (various drink, glasses) that they consider to be a reasonable amount that would supply the reasonable demands of the club members on a week to week basis.
A record of each order should be kept.
It is the responsibility of the Bar Steward or his delegated helper(s) to ensure that the delivery note agrees to the goods actually delivered.
It is the responsibility of the Bar Steward to authorise the invoice (agree the goods have been delivered) and to request the Treasurer to pay the invoice.
i) The till should only contain the agreed float before the start of any business.
ii) Each transaction (sale) should be entered on the cash register.
iii) At the end of a Bar session the money taken should be counted by two people, to ensure that the takings agree with the cash register till roll, less the float.
iv) The till roll for the Bar session should be signed by the two Bar Staff (preferably the Bar Steward and one of his helpers). The till roll and the takings should be given to the Treasurer as soon as possible to be banked or banked directly by the Bar Steward.
v) The Bar Steward must maintain a record of his takings and expenditure, showing such detail as takings per session and amount spent on items such as Bar snacks.
i) The Bar should be properly secured with a lockable grill, which should be shut after the close of a Bar session.
ii) The Bar Steward should have complete control of the keys to enter the Bar.
iii) A secure lockable storage area must be provided for the store of spirits. A record must be kept of the number of bottles in stock and an entry must be made each time a bottle is withdrawn from the stock, giving date and the name of the person who withdrew the bottle.
i) Delivery notes and invoices (or copies) should be kept.
ii) A cash book showing income and expenditure and monies passed to the Treasurer must be maintained.
iii) A separate record of any under or over takings should be maintained (i.e. cash takings that don’t agree with the till roll), and signed by the Bar Staff.
iv) A record of barrelage should be maintained in order that the Committee can maintain the usage and sale so that the Club is not penalised by the Brewery.
v) A stock check should be carried out quarterly.
i) It is the responsibility of the Bar Steward to manage and maintain the bar, and manage the Bar staff.
ii) A Head Bar person will be appointed by the Bar Committee, and as such will be party to Bar Committee meetings, but will not sit at the Club Committee meetings.
iii) A General member of the Committee’s duties will include:
Spending one Thursday evening per month behind the bar and one Thursday evening at the entrance door, monitoring the arrival of club members and their guests.